TTFields enhance downstream antitumor immune response1

Map/route icon representing the effects of TTFields at multiple stages of cancer cell viability and tumor progression

TTFields-mediated cell disruption activates the immune system and triggers an antitumor cell response downstream1

Depiction of the cyclical process of antitumor immune response, as induced by TTFields

TTFields lead to the onset of aneuploidy, ER stress, and low intracellular ATP levels, upregulating an autophagic response in cancer cells, as demonstrated in preclinical models.2

Watch below to see how TTFields enhance the downstream antitumor immune response

See the enhanced effects of TTFields when used with a PD-1 inhibitor

See preclinical data
TTFields-induced enhancement of downstream antitumor immune response
Double-strand break as a result of TTFields-induced disruption of DNA damage repair

See how TTFields therapy also impacts DNA damage repair in cancer cells


References: 1. Voloshin T, Kaynan N, Davidi S, et al. Tumor-treating fields (TTFields) induce immunogenic cell death resulting in enhanced antitumor efficacy when combined with anti-PD-1 therapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2020;69(7):1191-1204. doi:10.1007/s00262-020-02534-7 2. Shteingauz A, Porat Y, Voloshin T, et al. AMPK-dependent autophagy upregulation serves as a survival mechanism in response to Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields). Cell Death Dis. 2018;9:1074. doi:10.1038/s41419-018-1085-9